Posted by : Osama Tuesday, 25 June 2013


Back when phones were just phones, a couple of buttons and an earpiece were enough. Now we try to pump our entire lives through our smartphones and a big screen is a must. With the new 6+ inch phablets happy to oblige, pocket size is bigger than ever before. 

Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3
 Huawei Ascend Mate
Two in particular - the Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 and the Huawei Ascend Mate - caught our eye as potential competitors, so we thought we'd let them take a few swings at each other and see which one is still standing at the end.
We should note that both of these are clearly midrange devices. They won't challenge the 5" 1080p flagships or premium phablets. The Galaxy Mega 6.3 and Ascend Mate go by the "big screen, passable specs" formula.
Here's a blow-by-blow report of how each phone is better than its competitor:

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